Thursday 3 March 2011


I've been wanting to try this chocolate bar for a while now, the thing is's a little over hyped.
packaging is good though. It's a beautiful sturdy bar with a brown and gold wrapper, very attractive and nice imaging but I was surprised that it didn't taste good as I though.

The bar comes in little chunks so you can break them off which is very nice as it avoids mess and is good for snacks. As I ate one of them it tasted like I was eating a flake. It didn't taste very aero-y but there was enough caramel in there. It didn't taste like an amazing combination or anything.

The sections of the bar are small and square and at each side you can see the chocolate aero bubbles and hidden is the caramel which I think is in the middle.

I hated the strong chocolate after taste after this and it wouldn't even melt in your mouth...

I was up for this product but I don't think I'll be buying it again.
Mint aero's are the best. Or orange aero's if they ever bring them back.

Packaging : 9/10
Flavor : 5/10
Texture : 5/10

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